If you’ve ever felt like your Name isn’t representative of who you are or what you stand for, it may be time to reconsider it. As social media continues to grow in popularity, so too does the number of people with multiple Facebook profiles (many of which have several names). Changing your Name on Facebook can be a great way to showcase a new side of yourself and make connections with new people. In this guide, we’ll outline everything you need to know about changing your Name on Facebook, from the steps you need to take to the forms you need to fill out. This guide will help you take control of your online identity and reach your full potential.
What is Facebook?
Facebook is a social media platform where users can connect with friends and family. It also allows businesses to connect with consumers. When you create a Facebook account, you are automatically assigned a name. You can change your Name on Facebook if you want, or if someone has taken your Name without permission. How to change your name on Facebook?
1. Log in to Facebook.
2. Click on the Profile Picture at the top right of the screen.
3. Under Name, click on Edit Profile.
4. In the Name section, type the new Name and click Save Changes.
5. If you want to keep your old name as your gender-based profile name, select it from the dropdown menu next to Use This Name As My Gender-Based Profile Name and then click Save Changes.
6. Click Close at the top of the window to finish editing your Profile
How to Change Your Name on Facebook
If you want to change your Name on Facebook, there are a few ways to go about it. The first option is to visit the Account Settings page and click on the Edit Name tab. You can enter your new Name in the text box below your profile picture. If you want to keep your old Name, select it from the dropdown menu next to the text box.
The second option is to use the Change Name tool on the main Facebook page. You will need to log in or create an account if you don’t have one on this page. Once you have logged in, click on Profile at the top of the screen and then click on Change Name.
To use the Change Name tool, first, find your current Name in the left profile page’s left column and then type in your desired new Name in the right column. Click on Save Changes at the bottom of the screen.
If you want to keep all of your posts as they are currently written with your old Name, you can disable changes to names under Account Settings > General > Profile Picture and Other Options > Use My Name ( FTC ). This will prevent Facebook from automatically changing your Name when you post something new or update your profile information.
Whatever works best for you—either by editing your account settings or using the Change Name tool on Facebook’s main page.
How to Change Your Name on Facebook?
If you’ve ever wanted to change your Name on Facebook, this guide is for you! Changing your Name on Facebook is easy and can save you time and energy in the future. Here’s how:
1. Log in to your Facebook account.
2. Click on the screen’s menu icon in the top right corner.
3. Select “Settings.”
4. On the left side of the Settings screen, click on “Account.”
5. Under “Your Profile,” click on the “Name” tab.
6. Enter your desired new Name in the “Name” field and click on the “Change Name” button.
7. Your new Name will appear under “Name” in all your Facebook posts and profiles!
What to Expect When You Change Your Name on Facebook
Changing your Name on Facebook is a relatively simple process that can be handled by either logging into your account and clicking on the settings cog in the top right-hand corner of the homepage, or going to m.facebook.com/about/edit-name and selecting Change Name from the dropdown menu. Once you have chosen your new Name, simply hit Done at the bottom of the screen. If you have changed your Name more than once on Facebook, it will ask you to confirm it again before proceeding.
Once your Name has been updated, you will now be able to see it listed under Your Name on all of your profile pages (including Page and Group pages), along with any posts that are made with that Name attached. If you want to revert to your old Name, just go back to m.facebook.com/about/edit-name and select Change Name from the dropdown menu again.
If you’re considering changing your Name on Facebook, this guide is for you. In it, we’ll outline the steps necessary to change your Name on Facebook and provide helpful tips. Whether you’re just starting out and want to make a small update or need more detailed instructions, this guide will have everything you need. So what are you waiting for? Change your Name today!